Tuesday, April 29, 2008

How Many Adsense Units Allowed Per Page?

I always had a confusion/question that “How many ads can I place on one webpage or blog ?” And here is the answer for all of you to help earn more by placing relevant mixture of ads on your blog. READ FULL ARTICLE

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What is eCPM? Definition of eCPM adsense.

What is eCPM in Google Adsense ?

eCPM = effective Cost Per Mille
eCPM = (total adsense earnings/ total impressions) * 1000

It does not affect earnings, rather explains your earnings.

Earnings = (Clicks / Page CTR) * (Page eCPM * .001)

Page CTR = Clicks / Page Impressions

In other words

The effective cost-per-thousand impressions (eCPM) is a useful way to compare revenue across different channels and advertising programs. It is calculated by dividing total earnings by the number of impressions in thousands. For example, if a publisher earned $200 from 55,000 impressions, the eCPM would equal $200/55, or $3.63. However, please keep in mind that eCPM is a reporting feature that does not represent the actual amount paid to a publisher.

eCPM explanation with an example.

eCPM is a bit of industry shorthand that seems here to stay. You've seen it listed in your AdSense reports; it means, "effective cost per thousand impressions." So how is eCPM calculated, you ask?

eCPM is calculated by dividing total earnings by total number of impressions in thousands. It is a great performance measure for your various ad units, so when experimenting, you can use eCPM to compare your results.

But what if your site doesn't receive enough impressions to have a large sample size? Even for smaller sites, eCPM can be a useful statistic to track ad performance.

For example, let's imagine we have two custom channels named 'Blue Skyscrapers' and 'Red Rectangles', respectively, which reflect the types of ad formats we're testing on our site. During our test, the 'Blue Skyscrapers' channel receives 370 page impressions and $1.48 in total earnings. The 'Red Rectangles' channel receives 187 page impressions and $0.97 in earnings over the same period. To make these figures more comparable we calculate eCPM -- i.e., the estimated earnings for every 1,000 impressions received. We find that eCPM for blue skyscrapers is $4.00 while the eCPM for red rectangles is $5.18.

This means if we received 1,000 impressions of blue skyscrapers, we would earn roughly $4.00. But for 1,000 impressions of red rectangles, we would earn about $5.18. Therefore, assuming that our sample size is large enough, it is to our advantage to switch to red rectangles throughout our site because they generate more revenue per impression.

How to increase your eCPM of your blog or website to earn more.

After a long research with different keywords and websites i have come to the following article on how to increase your blogs or websites eCPM.

Do the following :

1) remove ads from pages with very low eCPM (not necessarily CTR though)
2) limit the number of adblocks per page
3) make the content on the pages as easy to target as possible with all the usual “spider food” SEO stuff, page titles, page names, descriptive original content,etc..
4) For more detailed and full article CLICK HERE